- kerf
- = cutвруб, выемка, зарубка, щель зарубная, щель отрезная; кольцо, выбуриваемое вокруг керна (при колонковом бурении); зарубать, подрубать•
- choked kerf
- thin kerf
- vertical kerf
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
English-Russian mining dictionary. 2015.
Kerf — Kerf, n. [AS. cyrf a cutting off, fr. ceorfan to cut, carve. See {Carve}.] A notch, channel, or slit made in any material by cutting or sawing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Kerf — Nom très rare porté dans le Nord, un peu plus fréquent en Belgique, de sens incertain. Il a pu désigner un balafré (moyen néerlandais kerf = entaille). Avec génitif de filiation : Kerfs … Noms de famille
kerf — [kʉrf] n. [ME < OE cyrf (akin to ON kurfr, a cutting, chip) < pp. base of ceorfan, to CARVE] the cut or channel made by a saw vt. to make a kerf or kerfs in … English World dictionary
Kerf — Kerf. См. Надрез. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
Kerf — Kerf,der:⇨Insekt … Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme
Kerf — Sm Insekt per. Wortschatz fach. (19. Jh.) Stammwort. Rückbildung von Oken 1815 aus Kerbtier und teilweise in den Gebrauch übergegangen. Das f stammt aus der niederdeutschen Form. deutsch s. Kerbtier … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
kerf — /kerrf/, n. 1. a cut or incision made by a saw or the like in a piece of wood. 2. Mining. a deep cut a few inches high, used to undermine a portion of a coal or mineral seam. 3. the act of cutting or carving. v.t. 4. to make a kerf or kerfs in (a … Universalium
kerf — A slit, notch, or cut made by an ax, saw, blade, or cutting torch, or the width of such a space made by such tools. Sometimes, the first mark of this sort which establishes where the tool could go from there. Historically a kerf was made in… … Glossary of Art Terms
kerf — /kɜf/ (say kerf) noun 1. the cut or incision made by a saw or other instrument. 2. that which is cut. {Middle English kerf, kyrf, Old English cyrf a cutting; related to ceorfan (verb) cut, carve} …
kerf — noun /kɜːf/ the groove or slit created by cutting a workpiece; an incision ; the width of the groove made while cutting , 1999: They pass through a cleft that has been made across a low range of hills, like a kerf in the top of a log, and enter… … Wiktionary
Kerf — Kerbtier; Insekt * * * Kẹrf 〈m. 1〉 = Insekt [→ Kerbtier, mit nddt. Fem. Kerfe künstl. gebildet von F.L. Jahn zu kerben] * * * Kẹrf, der; [e]s, e [niederd. Nebenf. von ↑Kerbe, mniederd. kerf, kerve] (Zool. seltener): Insekt … Universal-Lexikon